
Available by appointment

It's the sensuality of the flesh that conveys a deep sense of well-being. Through my touch, I want to put you at ease in your body and in your life. I give you a deep massage to harmonise your body. My presence and my close, reassuring and warm touch encourage confidence and openness. Eroticism stimulates and adds spice. Inspired by the spark you give off, I follow you with my intuition and guide you towards greater fluidity and the freedom to let your body express itself.
In this way, the massage is created at every moment, quite naturally, through the exchange of energy.

I'm looking forward to meeting you, Dorothea.

My background: Awareness of my body has always been the key to my being. Being in harmony with it gives me self-confidence. Sharing this experience is the motivation behind my professional life. I want you to fulfil your potential so that you can shine.
This journey began in 1992 when I trained as a sports and gymnastics teacher. Getting to know my body in different ways was part of this training, an approach that had a profound effect on me. I went on to dance, different styles of massage, motherhood, tantra, singing and breathing; always curious to learn and to move towards greater awareness and greater freedom.

After training in Tantra and working with the Dakini centres in Stuttgart and Zurich, I opened La Découverte Sensuelle in Geneva in 2011, a massage and personal development centre.
The aim of my offers is to contribute to a culture of sensuality and sexuality and to work with partners who share this objective.

  • Tantric massage for women, men and couples
  • Tao massage
  • Hawaiian massage - lomi lomi
  • Soft domination
  • Tantra course for couples

French, English, German

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If you are reading this comment it means that you are interested in making an appointment with Dorothea, so I reassure you, go with your eyes closed because she will dazzle you with her know-how, just extraordinary. My very first experience of a Tao massage. Dorothea quickly established a climate of trust through her generosity and the gift of herself. I could feel the energy bubbling up inside me. The connection was almost immediate and I can't wait for the next session. It feels so good to be alive. F.M
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When the magic happens... A break, a breath... Some will be tempted to use these words to describe this experience. They'd be right, but they'd be way off the mark. A journey whose without knowing the route. In a climate of total trust, rarely found in an increasingly aseptic world. A trust that inspires freedom. A A freedom that is all the greater for being part of a clearly defined framework. A treat, a delight, a way of reaching a form of paradise in deep serenity. Free and constrained at the same time, or rather a controlled freedom....Gentle and hard at the same time, or rather a skilfully constructed gentleness... Natural, wild even, and reasoned at the same time, or rather nature imbued with culture. A sharing of lives... With the greatest respect for each other! Some people will say that it's 'fine' afterwards! That's true, but what's even better, is that we're different. That life is different.... Thank you for your time!
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If you're reading this, it's because you're interested in a Tantra moment with Dorothea. So don't hesitate any longer. It's hard to describe how I feel when she takes care of me. But since I met her I've had several 2 to 3 hour experiences in her hands. Each time it's a moment that's both magical and unique, because she senses my needs at the time and adapts her approach. I'm really happy to have crossed your path, Dorothea, and look forward to our next session.
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Dear Dorothea First of all 🙏 thank you 🙏 for moments of incredible beauty:Beauty, tenderness, joy and friendship. Bodies recognise and speak to each other and let themselves go unconditionally. My god, you two are extraordinary. I've been thinking about the three of us for a few days now, with immense respect for women and their ability to give men back their sexuality and share it equally. I'm moved by the experience you've given me. I hope that we'll be able to live this experience together very often. In all humility, I'd like to learn from you and listen to you. To get to know sensuality and feminine sexuality as you express it, with gentleness, tenderness and self-confidence. Thank you for giving me so much. I cry with emotion when I think of it. Antonio, your friend at heart ♥️ See you soon
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Thank you, dear Dorothea, for looking after me with such affection and tenderness. Surgery had damaged me, but it didn't get me off the hook, you repaired me. We're not just talking about the body, but also the bruised soul. I wish the whole team every success and thank you for all the good you do. A faithful friend
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Dear Dorothea Dear Catarina First of all ✍ thank you ✍ for moments of incredible beauty: beauty, tenderness, joy and friendship. Bodies recognise and speak to each other and let themselves go unconditionally. My God, you two you two are extraordinary. I've been thinking about the three of us for a few days now, and I have immense respect for women and their ability to give men back their freedom. ability to give men back their sexuality and share it as equals. I'm moved by the experience you've given me. I hope we'll be able to live this experience together very often.
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What did I have in mind? It was an experience I was dreading, but I wanted to try it. And I was so pleasantly surprised by the power and gentleness of this massage, this fusion of the senses... I can only recommend Dorothea who, as well as being a beautiful person you rarely meet, is a professional with magical hands! Simply a thank you! Here's hoping for lots of good things!
P.H .
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Thank you Dorothéa for this moment of sharing and exchange, all in a climate of trust and respect. I came to you with a desire to evolve in my relationship as a couple, with questions about the path to take... and you were able to pinpoint my expectations immediately. Your advice was invaluable and is still relevant today. I'm grateful to you for opening up new avenues for me. To be continued...
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This is my first experience of Tantra massage. I heard about it and did some research to understand. But the practice with Dorothea was great. She really helped me to overcome my weaknesses and understand my body better. Thank you so much!
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RDV of 25.02.2023 If you are reading this comment it means that you are interested in making an appointment with Dorothea, then I reassure you, go with your eyes closed because she will dazzle you with her knowledge, just extraordinary.
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Very good experience with Dorothea. The tantric massage was a first for me. I was very stressed for personal reasons and she was able to put me at ease. The massage was really great. A mixture of relaxation and excitement at the same time.
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The magic happened. After so many questions and uncertainties about Tantra massage, a warm discussion with Dorothea instilled total confidence and the desire to go upstairs. After that, it was a divine and delicious moment that would never end. I was craving sensuality. I found it with Dorothea, her words, her hands, her body, her gentleness, invaded my soul and my body. What professionalism and what magic!

1 Comment

mzoughih · 02/08/2024 at 11 h 04 min

It's a wonderful experience!

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